My Commitments

It is a privilege to serve on the Fairfax Town Council. As your Town Council Member, I am committed to the following:

Making myself available to ALL residents for listening, dialogue, dreaming, and collaboration to improve our beloved community

Ensuring ALL citizens are heard and respected at Town Council meetings and receive meaningful, timely responses

Maximizing transparency and accountability to the public on Town decision-making processes

Fair and full reviews of our budget to ensure fiscal responsibility

Leading from the Council and overseeing excellent execution by staff

Paying our exemplary staff fair and livable wages to ensure long-term retention of our team

Investing in our public infrastructure to ensure our roads and sidewalks are safe for residents of all ages and abilities; to ensure town facilities meet our staffing needs; and to make strides in reducing deferred maintenance.

Enhancing affordable housing opportunities and stability for all residents through in-depth exploration of and engagement in creative housing solutions

Ensuring maximum fire, flood, and other disaster preparedness by supporting our team at the Ross Valley Fire Department, the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority, and our Firewise and Neighborhood Response Groups

Making diversity, equity, and inclusion core to all Town affairs as we actively pursue antiracism in Fairfax

Addressing the severity of the climate crisis as a local and regional leader, by supporting a more rapid response to greenhouse gas reduction, achieving carbon neutrality in Fairfax

Conserving, preserving, and restoring our open space and the plants and animals that call it home

Supporting the economic vitality of small businesses in town via collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and individual businesses on community events

Working with and for our youth, ensuring they have the support and the services they need to thrive